I read a pretty great interview with Evan Peters today that was done about a week after the American Horror Story finale aired. As we all know by now, the show is set up to change completely each season. New characters, new location, new house, new ghosts. But, Ryan Murphy has said that some of the cast might return next season, though in entirely new roles, which could be interesting.
In the interview, Peters is asked how he would feel about coming back next season. This is what he had to say: "I think it would be really awesome to get back...If I don't come back, then that's great too. I had an awesome time and I learned a lot. I'm pretty emotionally exhausted, so I'm cool to move on and go do a comedy or something like that. I'm happy either way."
On his character Tate, and the general darkness that came with the character: "At first it was really fun and then it sort of became...I mean it's still fun to get into it, but it just became harder and harder. It's not real, so there's only so much time you can spend going to that place before it starts to take its toll...I was constantly battling that from the beginning and I was just like, ‘Okay, this is cool, it's just a season. Just got a couple more episodes. And then I'll just listen to a lot of Christmas music!' "
I love that Christmas music is Evan Peters' antidote to the darkness that is Tate Langdon.