On my way home from work this evening, I heard Jack White's new song on WFNX and it's so, so good. Gorgeously gritty. The song is called "Love Interruption" and it's available for download on iTunes.
It's also available for pre-order on 7" vinyl at Jack White's website and at Third Man Records, to be released on February 7th. You can also listen to the track on both sites. There's even a cool round icon that spins like a record while you listen.
"Love Interruption" has a very rich, warm sound to it. Simple but sweet. Well, more bittersweet than sweet. The lyrics are fairly violent, yet filled with a dark sort of passion. It's all about love, and what one might "want" love to do: "I want love to grab my fingers gently, slam them in a doorway, put my face into the ground". Like I said, dark, gritty, passionate.
The refrain is my favorite part: "I won't let love disrupt, corrupt, or interrupt me." Tell it like it is, Jack.
White's full length solo album Blunderbuss will be released on April 24th.
Of Blunderbuss, and releasing a solo record, Jack White says: "I've put off making records under my own name for a long time, but these songs feel like they could only be presented under my name. These songs were written from scratch, had nothing to do with anyone or anything else but my own expression, my own colors on my own canvas."
P.P.S. This "someone who didn't show up" was apparently RZA.